Using flash drive for ps2 game saves
Using flash drive for ps2 game saves

Everyone thinks of flash memory as a super short-lived storage medium, but people have reported using flash drives for years with constant writing and no issues. I find it unlikely as that file would presumably be pretty small compared to everything else, but it's not impossible.Ĭontrary to what others are saying, I don't think the issue is with the lifespan of flash. If the game disc is scratched badly, it could be causing the portion of the disc responsible for writing saves to not work properly.

#Using flash drive for ps2 game saves software

If it's the high capacity GC card, that card is known for crapping out, most likely due to a conflict in hardware and software causing write problems (it seems most high capacity cards have issues unless they're really just multiple cards in one case with some sort of bank selector like a PSX card I saw once). You could try cleaning the contact pins on the memory card as it's no different from old cartridge games and will oxidize with years of heavy use. (full replacement only)ĭoes the memory card have problems on any other games? is the game disc scratched to any appreciable extent?

using flash drive for ps2 game saves

Then there's cases like Sonic 3's FeRAM which seems to randomly die, and not reparable like SRAM. Then there's batter backed SRAM which seems to last a LONG time in many cases, and at least one can replace the battery after it dies. I think EEPROM is a fair bit better, so N64 games (and a few Genesis as well as Jaguar) and PSX cards with that should last longer. (in general I think HDDs -at least those kept away from copious dust- will be outliving flash memory on such consoles) Ie if the bearing/motor start going bad there's someties some fixes you can do, or, if its starting to cease up, you may still be able to dump the data and replace it depending on the proprietarity of the format. HDDs can go bad too, but usually in a different manner. (among others) Same with early xbox 360 adopters with the 256 MB of flash -assuming they haven't RROD'd. When those start going bad I bet we'll have a LOT of pissed Nintendo fans. It's constantly being updated, used, and paging from the SD card. What really worrys me is the Wii, it's flash is embedded and contains the OS. Haven't checked wind waker or master quest, RS III would load, but not save. Some games allowed me to load but not save (so I could at least re-save to another card), others only gave corruption errors, like Sonic Adventure 1/2 (really annoying as it still displayed all the stats and achievements), and several others. I lost a lot of game saves when our 8x GC memory card started dying a few months ago.

Using flash drive for ps2 game saves